I like to read a little bit of everything. It depends on my mood honestly. I really love historical fiction, literary fiction and fantasy. I am not one to shy away from non-fiction books either I have a massive personal library of philosophy books. I like historical and literary fiction because when I am in the mood I like plausible stories about real people.
When I want to be transported to the surreal I prefer fantasy over science fiction. I like the magic of it all. I think stories can still be about real people in an unreal setting, for example, one of my favorite books is The Hobbit Bilbo is a real person facing extraordinary circumstances. Now hobbits aren't real but some of the dilemmas he faces are. I don't always like books where the heroes win and the good guy gets the girl. I like to see the bad guy come out on top every once in a while because that is life.
I really like listening to podcasts that are Dungeons and Dragons actual play and other story-based podcasts. I like these because they are cooperative stories being told by a group of people each playing a different character. It's a living story. I tend to listen to my podcasts at work when I am working in chat.
It's hard for me to pick favorite authors. I am more interested in the story. So my top 5 favorite books are in no particular order The Hobbit, 13 Reasons Why, The Count of Monte Cristo, the Inkheart trilogy and The Harry Potter series. I am hoping to develop my skills in picking what book to read next after finishing one and helping people choose what to read to expand their interests.
I am also a huge Hobbit lover! Great profile!