Friday, April 3, 2020

The Ringmaster's Wife

The Ringmaster’s Wife
By:  Kristy Cambron

The story follows two young women who join circus life by different means and reasons. Both stories told are stories of taking the leap and making the change. We follow Mabel Ringling and Lady Rosamund Easling. Mable comes from humble beginnings and marries into the circus life whereas Rose gives up her titled life in England to be a circus performer.  The tale of two strong women trying to do what is best for their lives and maybe find love along the way.

Characteristics of Historical Fiction
·           Historically accurate representation of the time period
·         Features well known historical figure John Ringling and his business
·         Tone ranges from happy to somber throughout the book
·         Story line focuses on 2 different characters and their lives

Read A-likes
·         Water for Elephants-Sara Gruen
·         The Illusionist’s Apprentice- Kristy Cambron
·         Barnum: An American Life- Robert Wilson
·         Life Story of the Ringling Brothers- Alfred T. Ringling


  1. I like Historical Fiction that follows non-traditional settings. I also liked Water for Elephants and The Illusionist's Apprentice so I will put this on my TBR list. It certainly sounds like a fun read.

  2. I've met this author! She lives in central Indiana. Great annotation. Full points!
