Sunday, April 5, 2020

Week 11 Prompt

I don’t think that not physically holding a book affects your knowledge of a genre because a genre is based on what comprises the story. Yes, some genres are notoriously longer than others, but this is not a defining factor. Being able to customize the font does can impact tone and pacing depending on the changes made. If you are just increasing the font size, I don’t see the impact how is it any different than a large print book? Depending on the angle from which you view pacing it can be a volatile thing to begin with. Everyone reads at different speeds. The author may have an intent for how a book is meant to be read but not everyone is going to achieve that no matter the printed format. Most changes you can make are quality of life changes and in my opinion have minimal impact on the appeal of the final product aside from making it more personally appealing.

Audiobooks are different, the narrator can make or break the story. When it comes to audio its not just about receiving the information its about how. The difference between the receipt of information in audiobook format and print or ebook is that you are getting that narrators interpretation of the text. Now if the narrator is the author you are getting the truest interpretation of the text but still someone else’s. Audiobooks are enjoyed at the pace set by the narrator and picking up the tone and other appeal factors from their cues.

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