Sunday, April 19, 2020

Week 13 Prompt

I think it is important for us as librarians to encourage reading for enjoyment no matter the topic. It doesn't matter if an adult likes YA. It could be just pure enjoyment or a comprehension thing. It is not our place to judge what a person enjoys to read. So we should be prepared to assist an adult patron who is looking to read YA just as if it were any other patron with any other request. We can do this by ignoring the age of the requestor and applying the techniques we use to help all patrons. YA is a genre just like any other. 


  1. I agree! A librarian's job is different than a critic's. Do you ever worry that, because we often use reviews to guide collection development, we might not give a fair shake to these genres which historically have been maligned by reviewers?

  2. Your prompt response is shorter than many of your classmate's comments. Half credit for this.
